3rd party libraries and Android Studio Gradle issues

I want to start this off by saying that this was for Android Studio 0.2 and at the time of this post that is already outdated. However, I feel this might help others.

The project I was working on was currently using an older version of the Android Gradle plugin (0.4.2) with and older version of Android Studio. I had version 0.2 which requires the Android Gradle plugin minimum of 0.5.

I was getting gradle build errors, and Android Studio import errors. I needed to update my project build.gradle file as well as all the libraries. This meant I needed to go and edit the build.gradle file manually (0.3 fixes this issue), and change:

dependencies {
  classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.4.2'


dependencies {
  classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.5'

Doing this for the main app was not an issue, however some of the libraries I did not have access to like ActionBarSherlock. I had to fork the repo and update the gradle version.

For other projects like SlidingMenu I needed to fork it and setup a build.gradle file manually. This is my default build.gradle file

Lastly, for Volley I had to create a new repo and add the followling:

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {
      classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.5+'

I’m not sure if doing this is the best way, but it allowed my project to build and seems to be working. I have seen others doing the same thing, like Path’s ActionBarSherlock.

If I find a better way to do this you better believe I will post an update. This just seems gross to me.